♦ Illustrative public realm with blend of local centre and new homes


A new identity and a long-term legacy

The name of Horndon St Marys draws from local history and place connections while distinguishing the planned new neighbourhood from West Horndon village.

Temporary meanwhile uses such as shops, cafes or services to meet existing community need and create a sense of place from the earliest stage.

Careful stewardship to ensure the benefits of development are enjoyed by all, for generations to come.

New homes

Range of housing types and tenures to support an inclusive, strong community.

Up to 1,050 much-needed new affordable homes in range of types from shared ownership to social rent.

Up to 1,050 market homes to suit all needs from first-time buyers to families and later living.

protecting nature

A focus on landscape, with nature and greenery integrated throughout the site.

Restoring natural fenland features such as open water, wetlands and hedgerows and provide large areas of green and blue infrastructure.

Contributing to biodiversity through creation and long-term management of improved wildlife habitats, resulting in biodiversity net gain.

Travel infrastructure

A commitment to providing infrastructure early in the build stage.

Multi modal transport hub next to West Horndon train station with a new bus service to link the wider areas to the north and south.

New road infrastructure including a link road to the A128.


A new primary school with safe walking and cycling routes – with the school open for community use out of hours.

Working with Peartree Surgery and West Horndon Surgery to provide expanded primary care GP services on-site.

Shops, a community hub, business and job opportunities on the doorstep in Horndon St Marys.

Well-designed public space for people to enjoy and neighbours to get together in the heart of the neighbourhood.


Activities and facilities that foster a strong sense of community between new and existing residents.

Everything the neighbourhood needs on its doorstep, from space to socialise to community allotments.

Sports facilities, a new club house, playgrounds and parks for all abilities to enjoy.

Walking and cycling trails to encourage active travel.